Inspire the Creators of the Future, STEAM education made simple.
The FormBox turns your classroom into a creative powerhouse. Giving students a hands-on STEAM learning experience. Click here to view the full range

About This Range:
Mayku Teach is a simple-to-use, affordable education platform. It consists of a desktop vacuum former and online portal. Our mission is to bring joy to learning through making while unlocking student’s innate creativity.
Why Would a School or Institution Want to Buy Mayku?
- STEAM teaching is more engaging for children and youth with the FormBox, creating helps people learn.
- FormBoxhelps deliver content in an innovative way–in the classroom or remote, the FormBox is smaller than a microwave, so easy to transport and store.
- The educators can teach concepts like product design, entrepreneurship, manufacturing principles, properties, arts, and sciences in an engaging and flexible way.
- Academic Level: - KS 1-5, Further & Higher Education
- Subjects - STEAM
“The FormBox is fast to set up and really easy to use. For children participating in my workshop it’s always magical to see their (sometimes rough) clay mold, being formed into a (comical, beautiful, tough, etc) plastic gargoyle. Works every time!”
Luke Wiehink - Netherlands
“The FormBox gives you another type of freedom when creating stuff. It’s super easy to use, it’s clean and it can be easily combined with other technologies. I can make many incredible things really fast with the FormBox. The FormBox tackles some of the limitations 3D printing offers”
Agustín Arroyo - Professor of Digital Fabrication, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid, Spain.
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